Sunday, May 1, 2011

Junior Prom

Photos are a little out of order but I'm too tired to care!
Last night was my junior prom and it went over my expectations!
We had a limo, feasted at PF Changs (have you tried the shot glass desserts? SO good!) and danced until the world ends. (The DJ however sucked. No Britney was played whatsoever and they only bit of pop music we got was some Kesha. That was it).
And my boyfriend looked so studly and dapper and ACTUALLY DANCED.
I couldn't have asked for more.
My dress was a few seasons old BCBG that my sister handed down to me. No shame in wearing designer hand me downs in my opinion!
Next week I have AP tests galore for the next two weeks. I can make it...I can make it through...
After these two weeks school shall be a breeze...