These promo photos for Kylie Minogue's latest album, Aphrodite (out July 6th) just came out today and how fierce does she look!? Do you all KNOW she is 42 AND a cancer survivor? BRAVO to her! She knows just the right way to wear crazy fashions and make it look like you can wear them any day of the year! Those tie up leggings!? Where do I get myself a pair?
The album leaked a few days ago and my God GO BUY IT. Even though I already have it I will be paying a visit to my local Target (cause Enrique's new album comes out the same week!) because it's a hard copy I just want to have to blast in my car (Which is something I can actually do now! I FINALLY recieved my learner's permit so I can start driving!!) I've realized the album is almost more fun to listen to if it's not directly in your ear. It can seem repetitive when listening with your Gaga headphones in (Psh. I wish I had Gaga hearbeats!) but when you put it on the bose speaker and are dancing around in your house-ten times better :)
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