I saw it. And I loved it. *grabs kleenex* If you're one of those people who complain A LOT if the movie is slightly different than the book-don't see it. Cause they were true to the story but switched a lot of stuff around. I'm officially in love with Channing Tatum and very upset that he is a married man. BUT. Step Up (the original!!) is one of my all time favorite movies and he and Jenna were so cute in that. But sorry Jenna...when it comes to chemistry, Channing and Amanda take the cake. The parts in the beginning when they're first dating and falling in love make you wanna stab yourself if you're single because they are so adorable. I mean ADORABLE. Every kiss, every hug, every hair brush...*grabs another tissue box, throws out old one*
And another bonus-it beat out Avatar after seven weeks on top. That is the power of women. Don't underestimate us :)
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