I just finished reading "The Last Song" by Nicholas Sparks and am once again in love with the idea of love. I know love isnt something you can buy. (JLo wrote a whole song about that. My looove dont cost a thang!) But what is it about summer love that's so....mesmerizing? And even though everyone knows it's going to end (Most of the time) they go for it anyways? There's just something about summer. Usually I NEVER want summer to come because Arizona is well a desert and there's no oceans around to make it bearable. Just pools. And pools. And pools. Not so fun. Especially because I'm not a swimmer. I'm hoping and crossing my fingers for something to happen to me this summer. I'm going back to Europe except this time I will be exploring London and France. My mom will practically be begging me to find myself a European boy toy and God wouldn't that just be the best? Having fun with someone foreign, they dont know anything about you, none of your embaressing secrets, they didnt know you in elementary school when you were extremeley awkward looking and wore glasses? And my absolute favorite-no friends to embaress you and ruin your one and only chance with a guy -_- (Personal experience. Can you tell?)
I was talking to my friend Sadie today and she said that she thinks next year will be the year for me and her to find our right guys. I hope she's right. I can only read about love for so long without experiencing it.
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