Staring at my math book. No sudden urge to open it.

So tired.

Gotta love leave in conditioner.

Dude....I kinda look like Snooki here! EEK!

Shiny hair!

The innocent look I pull on my teachers when I'm muy confused/dont know the answer.
It rains like...once every year in Arizona. This year though we have been getting boat loads! One week it literally rained everyday for like five days. The thing about Arizona rain, in the exception of the summer when monsoons happen, it's always very pretty and calming to watch. My little puppy (ok big puppy!) Cherokee enjoyed playing in the rain since she's not used to it. My little Malteses ran away from it. I'm also NOT a jeans and T shirt kind of girl but when bad weather strikes it's time to pull out the sweat shirts!!! My favorite? My cheer sweatshirt from freshman year. Sooo comfy. And I was also having an incredibly good hair day :) Those are rare :P
I have AIMS testing tomorrow which I am not looking forward to. For you non Arizonans it's just the standardized high school test you have to pass to graduate. I'm not worried about the next two days, they are just reading and writing, my best subjects. The math test in April is what I"m going to be freaking out about. But let's not worry just yet.
I think this sweatshirt will be worn tomorrow as well. It's ok to take a lazy day once a year ;)