I love perfume. Coco Chanel once said a woman has no future if she doesnt wear perfume. I did a little photo shoot with my whole collection :) All of these scents are fabulous buys

My newest addition I got for Christmas, Rock Princess by Vera Wang. Don't be fooled if you're not an edgy girl or Taylor Momsen/Courtney Love wannabe. This scent is musty but still sweet and I wear two to three times a week.

As you can tell-I really like Princess by Vera Wang. I recieved for Christmas two years ago and I wore it EVERYDAY for a good couple of months. It's every girl's signature perfume. I dont know anyone who could not like it.

The Princess Family

The next perfumes are going to be all Britney Spears. (I know, no surprise) But my mom who is definately not a sucker for celebrity names admits that Britney has some of the best Celebrity perfumes out there. Believe is one that I wore everyday for a while when I recieved it for my birthday. It's very light but it stays on throughout the day. Even when I'm sweaty at cheer practice my cheer girls tell me I still smell good and ask what I'm wearing.

Curious. The original and quite frankly her best. I cant even describe te scent of Curious except that's just what it is! Curious! It always draws you in but this fragrance is SO popular (It made one hundred million dollars it's first week in stores) that almost everyone recoognizes it when they smell it. You cannot go wrong with giving a girlfriend Curious for a gift.

Fantasy reminds me of Cotton Candy and other sweet things. It's very sweet and potent so a little goes a very long way. I would have to say it's my least favorite in the Britney saga of perfumes but that doesnt mean I dont like it. I'll still wear it when I'm feeling sweet and flirty.

MY FAVORITE. Circus Fantasy. This is Britney's latest and greatest perfume and it smells nothing like the other Fantasy spin offs. It's not too musky, and not too sweet with a little bit of vanilla I want to say. I wear this sparingly just because I want to savor it as long as I can. It just smells gooood.

Midnight Fantasy. Smells different from it's predescor (or however you spell that word) Fantasy. It's definately a nighttime fragrance but I've pullen off wearing it in the day. The only Britney Perfumes I'm missing are other spinoffs of her originals-Curious In Control and Hidden Fantasy. Once i get those my collection will be complete!

The whole Fragrance Family.
I have more perfumes than this, lots of Victoria's Secret Sprays and such but they're have been some perfumes I've been disappointed in. For example, Live Luxe by Jennifer Lopez. I dont want to say it's an old lady perfume but ugh it's not the most flattering smell. I havent worn it in about two years. JLo does know what she's doing though, Glow by Jlo smells wonderful. One fragrance I am obsessed with but do not own is Kate Moss' first perfume just called simply Kate Moss. I smelled it when I first visited Spain and was in the department store El Corte Ingles. I remembered the scent all the way back home to America. It was on sale at Walgreens after Christmas and my mom knowing how bad I wanted it bought it for my sister's January birthday. I was not thrilled. But hey, I'll sneak in a spritz when she's not looking. Other perfumes that are great trials are Coach's perfumes and Sarah Jessica Parker's. They are all hits.
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