I've decided that as soon as my funds allow I want to screenprint pictures of all my music inspirations onto good old white v neck tshirts. Above are some of the images I've chosen.
*gasp* I know what you're thinking.
"Gaga, Britney, Madonna and Christina!? How COULD you?"
Even though Britney is my favorite person in the entire world I'm one of the few people in the world who can learn to respect all artists. (If they deserve my respect -_-)
Britney has influenced my from day one, since seeing Baby One More Time and always copying her dance moves and her voice. (YeahyeahyeahyeahYEAH.)Not to mention she is SO relatable. I think I relate to her more than anyone else on this planet. Life would be really sad without Britney.
Madonna has always been on the radio since before I was born and EVERYTHING I heard on the radio when I was younger has stuck with me and influenced me. (Hey Mr. DJ put a record on I wanna dance with my babaaay....)
Christina. You can't deny that voice. The way she just skyscrapes through notes as if she was riding an elevator! Her music (especially her Stripped record) has influenced me IMMENSELY.
And Gaga. Say what you want but I connected to 'The Fame" (more so than the Fame Monster) in a way I hadn't with any artists besides Britney. The way she wrote about begging to be famous and the lifestyles of the rich-it was everything I WANT. (I have more the drive to just perform than be famous though-ala "Circus") I started listening to Gaga VERY early in her career so even her exposure being a little bit much I turn on the Fame record and remember why I like her so much.
Michael needs no explanation and Kylie is someone who SHAPED dance music. (Britney just perfected it ;D) Bill Kaulitz and Tokio Hotel's songs just cut straight through your heart and missing from above are Mariah Carey and Janet Jackson. (I haven't found good pictures of them yet that are shirt worthy. Mariah is someone I've been listening to all my life and Janet is my other co dance teacher.)
I truly want to get the shirts done before I'm too far into school. I think it could be like my new signature, haha. The girl who wears people's faces across her boobs every Friday and always has black and white nails :P
Speaking of school, I start my Junior year this Wednesday (Yeah I know Arizona is beyond weird.) I am TERRIFIED. Will I be able to handle 3 AP classes? Will I have time for any fun?Will there only be brainiacs in my classes and it be a year of silence for me?
I just don't know. But I guess I'll find out. And as for my first day outfit-still trying to figure it out. But I WILL post whatever I choose :)
Blog ya later!
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